3 Reasons to Listen to Audiobooks!

Co-founder Jay wants you to try audiobooks! Can she convince you?

If you love books there’s a good chance you have at least thought about listening to audiobooks at some point but perhaps there is something holding you back? Perhaps you associate reading with quiet time and rest. Maybe you crave the smell and feel of paper pages? Or is it that it just seems like a faff to set it all up?

Whatever your concerns, we hope this blog will open your eyes to the world of audiobooks and encourage you to try them out!

  1. They don’t have to be expensive - Did you know that some libraries have an app that allows you to borrow audiobooks exactly as you would a physical book? In Bristol it’s an app called BorrowBox but other libraries may use different apps. I have found that I often need to reserve specific books in advance but there are plenty of other titles to listen to whilst waiting.

    During lockdown periods, Audible have also been offering access to many popular audiobooks for free. 

  2. They can support your mental health - when Bean Learning co-founder, Sarah, is experiencing heightened anxiety it can have an impact on how she processes information. During these times, reading can feel impossible whereas an audiobook can provide just the right amount of stimulation, without being overwhelming.

    Sleep can also be an issue where anxiety is present and a calm audiobook, used with the sleep timer function, can keep ruminating thoughts at bay and allow the listener to descend gently into slumber.

  3. They can make household chores less boring - sometimes it is just nice to have something for your brain to do while you are going through the motions of cooking or cleaning. It’s very difficult to read a book and clean the bath at the same time but audiobooks are hands-free. Just make sure you don’t listen to anything too absorbing or you might end up burning the dinner!

Of course, these 3 are in addition to all the reasons that reading for pleasure is great in and of itself, reasons such as: 

If we have you convinced, here are a few of our favourite audiobooks at Bean Learning HQ to get you started!


Spotlight on…Jay Byrd!


Spotlight on…Janine!